Friday, March 18, 2016

Why Having a Fuel Tank is Bad for Your Home

When reading the title of this piece you might be a little confused. Why on earth would having a fuel tank be bad for my home? Don’t I need fuel for heating and energy? Well, fuel tanks in general are not bad, but if you live in British Columbia, they might come to be a problem for your home.

Why is this? Well, let us first explain that we don’t mean just any fuel tank. When we say having a fuel tank is bad for your home we mean an underground oil tank. This is a fuel tank that was buried underground, possibly decades ago. Oil tanks became obsolete in BC when the province switched to natural gas as its main source of fuel, which can be transported through pipes. When this happened, people thought it would be a good idea to just empty their old fuel tank and leave it buried underground, as it would be out of sight and out of the way.

This, however, was not a good idea, as it can be damaging to the environment. The fuel tank was emptied of oil, but some residual oil still remained. There is a possibility of this leaking out and damaging the soil and environment around the oil tank and possibly even getting into the water system, if it is close to the source.

Because of this, the BC Government proposed legislation that oil tanks must be removed from a property before it is sold. Due to the property market in Vancouver, a lot of people now have a fuel tank on their grounds that needs to be removed. If you would like to know more about fuel tanks and oil tank removal, visit for information on this topic.

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