Awareness is growing about the environmental hazards posed by derelict oil tanks, buried on properties throughout British Columbia. If you require oil tank removal in Burnaby, Surrey, New Westminster or anywhere else in the region, be aware that a permit is required. In Burnaby, tank decommissioning permits are processed by the City Fire Department.
Oil Tank Removal in Burnaby
Many of these tanks predate the 1970s when gas connections gradually made them obsolete. Over long periods of time condensation builds up inside the tanks, corroding the metal and causing them to leak. The owner of the property is responsible under the Environmental Management Act for cleaning up the spillage, decommissioning the tank and restoring the area. This is true even if you purchased the property without being aware of the tank’s existence. At the end of the process the owner must provide a certificate of removal to the local authorities. The failure to remove a tank can lead to fines and can have adverse affects on the resale value of the property.
Licensed Contractors
Because of the associated dangers such as soil contamination, ground water contamination and the threat of explosion, tank decommission is highly regulated. There is only one way to go about oil tank removal in Burnaby and that is to hire a licensed contractor. Any contamination of the site must be isolated, the tank must be removed along with any affected soil and refill of soil must be provided. Don’t take any chances as contamination can spread to neighboring property.
Oil Tank Removal in Burnaby
Many of these tanks predate the 1970s when gas connections gradually made them obsolete. Over long periods of time condensation builds up inside the tanks, corroding the metal and causing them to leak. The owner of the property is responsible under the Environmental Management Act for cleaning up the spillage, decommissioning the tank and restoring the area. This is true even if you purchased the property without being aware of the tank’s existence. At the end of the process the owner must provide a certificate of removal to the local authorities. The failure to remove a tank can lead to fines and can have adverse affects on the resale value of the property.
Licensed Contractors
Because of the associated dangers such as soil contamination, ground water contamination and the threat of explosion, tank decommission is highly regulated. There is only one way to go about oil tank removal in Burnaby and that is to hire a licensed contractor. Any contamination of the site must be isolated, the tank must be removed along with any affected soil and refill of soil must be provided. Don’t take any chances as contamination can spread to neighboring property.
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