An oil tank removal company comes to your property and assesses the situation. It is possible that the container is in good condition and working order, or it can be possibly evacuated onsite. The company prevents you from violating any environmental laws.
Following are the steps which help in the removal of oil tank:
• Step 1: Find the unit and be sure to empty it completely, and then to check the cap pipes. If you are using a hired service, all your needs will be taken care of by them.
• Step 2: Hire a professional company to clean the unit before it is removed. These services can be found in yellow pages or doing a search online.
• Step 3: Find a tank evacuation company to dispose of the buried unit.
• Step 4: The unit must be filled with materials such as cement or gravel in cases where it cannot be removed without damaging homes or nearby buildings.
Professional tank management companies which specialize in the removal of and installation of underground and above ground tanks can provide the necessary expertise to ensure the safety of the entire process. Apart from having the proper equipment and manpower to deal with the tank removal or installation, professional environment risk management firms are also acknowledgeable on the legal issues that might affect a storage tank’s removal.
West coast tank recovery based in North Vancouver provides with professional and comprehensive solutions for residential and commercial oil tank removal.
WC Tank Recovery
4455 Nottingham Road, North Vancouver BC Canada V7K 2N4Phone: 604-628-8786
Direct: 778-868-4076 / 778-846-6601
E-mail: wctankrecovery@yahoo.ca
Website: http://wctankrecovery.net/
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